7th Annual Trainee Highlights Breakfast
Please join Dr. Kristi Streeter, the Respiration Section Trainee Representative and Trainee Advisory Committee member, for the 7th Annual Trainee Highlights Breakfast at Experimental Biology 2016. This event will be held Sunday April 3rd, 2016 from 7:30-10:00 AM at the Marriott Marquis Marina Hotel in the Marina Ballroom F, with presentations starting at 8:15 AM. The Trainee Highlights Breakfast provides an opportunity for Respiration Section faculty and trainees to network and provides a platform for trainees to present their work. Previous speakers have expressed that this is an excellent opportunity to showcase their research and generate interest prior to the poster sessions. This event is sponsored by the Respiration Section, donations from companies and Respiration Section members, and the Respiration Section Trainee Endowment Fund. The Respiration Section Trainee Endowment Fund was created to allow us to continue to sponsor this event in perpetuity. With the help of APS who has matched all donated funds, we are currently at $48,000–only $2,000 away from our goal! Please consider donating to this fund—APS will match your donation, so for every $1 donated, our fund makes $2. You can make a donation by logging into your APS account and making a donation to the Trainee Endowment Fund, or you can make a donation at the Trainee Highlights Breakfast.