Please join us for a seminar given by Dr. Jerome Dempsey on Thursday, February 2, 2017 from 4 to 5pm in Room 235 at the Florida Gym. See below for details.
Chemoreceptors: Expanding Roles During Wakefulness, Sleep, and Exercise in Health & Disease
Jerome Dempsey, PhD, Director, John Rankin Laboratory of Pulmonary Medicine, University of Wisconsin
Professor Jerry Dempsey is a native Canadian from London, Ontario, educated at the Universities of Western Ontario, Alberta and Wisconsin–the latter under the mentorship of Dr. John Rankin, MD. He is the Director of the John Rankin Laboratory of Pulmonary Medicine located at Medical. He has his primary appointment in the Department of Population Health Sciences and affiliate appointments in Physiology and Kinesiology.
His research interests are concerned with the regulation of breathing in various physiologic states in un-anesthetized humans and animals. One group of projects seeks to determine the limits of the healthy and diseased human pulmonary system for gas transport, respiratory muscle function and ventilatory output during exercise.