12th Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium

The University of Florida Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Program presents:

12th Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium
March 17, 2017
J. Wayne Reitz Union and University House at the University of Florida

Plenary lectures will be held 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. at J. Wayne Reitz Union, The Chamber Room, Ground Level.
The poster session will be held 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at University House at the University of Florida, 2151 West University Avenue.
Both are free and open to the public.

Morning lecture schedule at J. Wayne Reitz Union:
8:45 – 9:00 a.m., Room G310, Ground Level

9:00 – 10:00 a.m., The Chamber Room, Ground Level
“Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment of Tourette Syndrome.”
Joseph Jankovic, MD
Professor of Neurology
Distinguished Chair in Movement Disorders
Parkinson’s Disease Center and Movement Disorders Center of Excellence
Baylor College of Medicine

10:00 – 11:00 a.m., The Chamber Room
“Neural Devices to Promote Plasticity and Recovery Following Spinal Cord Injury.”
Chet Moritz, PhD
Allen Distinguished Investigator
Associate Professor
Division of Physical Therapy
Departments of Rehabilitation Medicine and Physiology and Biophysics
Deputy Director, Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering
Program in Neuroscience
University of Washington

11:00 – 11:15 a.m.
, Room G310
Coffee Break

11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., The Chamber Room
“Development of State-of-the-Art Combination Therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy:  The Contribution of Clinical Outcome Measurement Science.”
Craig M. McDonald, MDProfessor and Chair
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Professor of Pediatrics
Director, MDA Neuromuscular Disease Clinics
Director, Neuromuscular Disease Research Center
University of California Davis Health
Sacramento, CA

Afternoon poster session schedule at University House:
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. *Luncheon for Poster Presenters, T32 Preceptors, Physical Therapy Department Faculty, and Keynote Speakers
*1:00 Admission to Luncheon is by Invitation Only

2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Poster Presentations
*Free and open to the public

4:00 – 4:30 p.m. Poster Awards Ceremony

*No RSVP is needed and there is no cost to attend the the plenary lectures or the 2 – 4 p.m. poster session.

We invite graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research in poster format. The poster session will be held 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at University House, 2151 West University Avenue. The top graduate student poster winners will be recognized and presented a travel award. The top post-doctoral fellow poster winners will also be recognized and will receive a travel award. Award recipients will be announced at the 4:00 poster awards ceremony. All poster presenters are invited to join the keynote speakers and T32 preceptors at a University House luncheon prior to the poster session.

All presenters must submit an online abstract here:  NMPT Symposium Abstract Submission Form
 no later than Friday, February 10, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

Abstract submitters will receive a reply within three business days.  If you do not receive a reply within three business days, contact Laurie Bialosky at 352-273-6113.
All individuals receiving a notice of abstract acceptance are invited to present their poster during the March 17, 2017 poster session.
There is no required poster size but the poster area of the boards are 4’10” Tall x 5’10” Wide.  Posters generally range in size from 36 to 43″ long by 53 to 63″ wide.

Abstract and posters are judged based on these categories, which are broadly defined as follows:

  1. Impact:  What potential does this research described have to impact and advance knowledge of the particular field of research?
  2. Innovation:  How creative is the hypothesis put forward? How innovative is the approach used to address the hypothesis?
  3. Writing:  Well-written in terms of clarity, rationale, hypothesis stated, methods described, conclusions and implications of the findings. Were a variety of outcome measures used?
  4. Layout: Is the poster legible? Do the figures stand alone and complement the text?
  5. Completeness:  Is this the presenters work? Is this a pilot study, preliminary data or a relatively complete study?
  6. Presentation: Can the presenter explain the study succinctly and clearly? Can the presenter effectively answer questions when asked? Is significance stated clearly in presentation (poster and oral)?

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Symposium Scholars:
Selected from a national pool of candidates and invited to present their posters at the symposium, the 2017 Symposium Scholars are: Lila Wollman from University of Arizona and Alec McKenzie from University of Utah.

University House Parking:
Carpooling is strongly encouraged. View the UF parking map. Orange and green decal parking is available in the O’Connell Center parking lot & garage and orange decal parking is available in the adjacent Perry Baseball Field.  Pay parking is also available a few blocks east of University House at St. Augustine Church.  Parking in the front drive of University House is strictly confined to the UFPD reservations list.

One Physical Therapy CEU is offered per lecture. No RSVP is needed and there is no cost for the 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. plenary lectures and  the 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. poster session.
Please contact Laurie Bialosky (352-273-6113) with any inquiries.

We look forward to your participation,
Dr. Krista Vandenborne and the NMPT Program Symposium Committee: Drs. David Fuller, Carolynn Patten, Andy Judge, and Gordon Mitchell

Sponsored by T32 HD043730 Training Grant