Rehabilitation Science PhD students,Tommy Sutor, Kelly Hawkins, and Michael Sunshine, presented at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting. The SfN is the world’s largest organization of scientists and physicians devoted to understanding the brain and nervous system. More than 30,300 attendees from 80 countries convened in San Diego to hear emerging science from learned experts, collaborate with peers, and explore new tools and technologies at SfN’s 46th annual meeting. Hawkins presented: “Executive control of walking in adults with mobility deficits quantified by fNIRS neuroimaging.” Sutor presented: “Locomotor-respiratory coupling after spinal cord injury and the effects of locomotor rehabilitation.” Both students are mentored by Dr. Emily Fox. Michael Sunshine, who is mentored by Dr. David Fuller, presented: “Intraspinal activation of respiratory muscle depends on phase of respiratory cycle.” View his poster here: sfn2016_sunshine_csne-poster.