Hosted by the Department of Physical Therapy in collaboration with the BREATHE and Neuromuscular Plasticity NIH-funded T32 Training Programs, the 17th annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Symposium returned on March 17-18 as an in-person event for the first time in two years. The symposium gives predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees the chance to highlight their cutting-edge research through data blitz and poster presentations. It also features plenary lectures from renowned researchers. This year trainees had the opportunity to learn more from Darcy Reisman, PhD, PT, FAPTA, (University of Delaware), Carlos B. Mantilla, MD, PhD, (Mayo Clinic), and Samuel R. Ward, PT, PhD (UC – San Diego).

This year also included 52 dynamic poster presentations from students throughout the health sciences and engineering. In all, 3 predoctoral and 3 postdoctoral trainees received travel awards in recognition of their work, including Dr. Alex Marciante (BREATHE postdoctoral trainee in the Mitchell Lab).