The Control of Breathing and Airway Defense (CoBAD) Seminar Series will feature Dr. José Otero, Associate Professor at Ohio State University, &Dr. Christopher Wilson, Professor at Loma Linda University, on Friday, April 28 at 3:00pm ET. Dr. Otero’s research focuses on developmental and neoplastic disorders of the central nervous system with the goal of finding the cause of perinatal breathing disorders (e.g., apnea of prematurity, CCHS, and SIDS). Dr. Wilson’s research focuses on autonomic control disorders in preterm infants, such as apnea of prematurity and periodic breathing, and the resulting downstream sequelae, such as retinopathy of prematurity and necrotizing enterocolitis. They will present: Perspectives on Breathing Analytics.
You can learn more about Dr. Wilson’s work in Pediatric Research, volume 72, pages 606–612 (2012) and Dr. Otero’s work in Brain Pathology, volume 31, issue 1, pages 84-102 (2021) & Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, volume 283 (2021) 103558.
NOTE: This session was recorded and is available on our CoBAD YouTube playlist.