NeuroNines: Rock & Williams

Thursday, May 30, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted NeuroNines featuring BREATHE T32 postdoc Dr. Kelly Rock (mentor: Krista Vandenborne) & doctoral student Todd Williams (mentor: Emily Fox).

Flyer for the NeuroNines seminar on 5/30/2024. Contains the follwoing text: Neuromuscular Plasticity Nines
Summer Seminar Series
Thursday, May 30, 2024 | 9 - 10 am
Communicore Health Science Building, Lecture Hall C1-007

Presenting at 9:00 am
Kelly Rock
Learning from the Bottom Up: Quantifying Muscle and Function in Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physical Therapy
Mentor: Dr. Krista Vandenborne

Presenting at 9:30 am
Todd Williams
Acute and Cumulative Effects of Stretching on Motor Output in People with Spinal Cord Injury
Doctoral Student
Department of Physical Therapy
Mentor: Dr. Emily Fox

Please register at to attend via Zoom.

Sponsored by the NIH T32 Training Programs in Neuromuscular Plasticity (NMPT) and Breathing Research and Therapeutics (BREATHE), and the Department of Physical Therapy