Center Affiliates

Researcher/Clinician NameTitleDepartmentSpecialties
BrantlyMark Brantly, MDProfessorDivision of Pulmonary Critical Care & Sleep MedicinePulmonary disease and critical care
ChandranVijayendran Chandran, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsPeripheral and central nervous system regeneration
Evangelos ChristouEvangelos Christou, PhDAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Applied Physiology & KinesiologyAging and neuromuscular control
David J. ClarkDavid Clark, ScDProfessorDepartment of NeurologyRehabilitation from stroke and SCI (human movement)
CortiManuela Corti, PT, PhDAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsPompe, gene therapy
Steven DeKoskySteven DeKosky, MDProfessor; Deputy DirectorDepartment of Neurology; McKnight Brain InstituteTraumatic brain injury
Aysegul GunduzAysegul Gunduz, PhDProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringSignal processing, deep brain stimulation
Daniel HohDaniel Hoh, MDProfessorDepartment of NeurosurgeryMinimally invasive and complex spine surgery; spinal cord regeneration; neurologic rehabilitation; treatment of spinal degenerative, trauma, deformity, tumor, rheumatologic, and infectious disorders
Mike JaffeeMichael Jaffee, MD, FAAN, FANAChair & Bob Paul Family Professor; DirectorDepartment of Neurology; BRAIN CenterTraumatic brain injury
Jack JudyJack Judy, PhDDirectorNanoscience Institute for Medical & Engineering TechnologyAdvanced neural-interface technology and systems, autonomic neuroengineering; neuroprosthetics
MandelRonald Mandel, PhDProfessorDepartment of NeuroscienceAAV for neuroanatomical tracing of respiratory pathways and gene therapy
Michael OkunMichael Okun, MDDirectorNorman Fixel Institute for Neurological DiseasesClinical movement disorders
Dana OtzelDana Otzel, PhD, ATC, LATHealth Science SpecialistDepartment of Physiology & AgingHuman and rodent studies of muscle/bone rehabilitation after SCI
Karim OweissKarim Oweiss, PhDProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringNeuroengineering, cortical compensation for SCI; neural interface design to restore, augment or repair lost sensorimotor function
Divya PatelDivya Patel, DOClinical Associate ProfessorDivision of Pulmonary Critical Care & Sleep MedicinePulmonary disease, sarcoidosis, critical care medicine
PrabhakaranSreekala Prabhakaran, MDClinical Associate ProfessorPediatric Pulmonary DivisionSleep patterns and sleep disorders
Jose PrincipeJosé Principe, PhDDistinguished ProfessorDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringNeural Networks; Digital Signal Processing, Brain Machine Interfaces
SwansonMaurice Swanson, MS, PhDProfessor & Associate DirectorDepartment of Molecular Genetics & MicrobiologyCo/post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression and RNA-mediated disease mechanisms
Floyd ThompsonFloyd Thompson, PhDAdjunct ProfessorDepartment of NeuroscienceSpasticity after TBI/SCI
Shahab VahdatShahab Vahdat, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Applied Physiology & KinesiologyImaging SCI and stroke in human and rodent models
VaillancourtDavid Vaillancourt, PhDProfessor & ChairDepartment of Applied Physiology & KinesiologyBrain regulation of movement with focus on voluntary and involuntary motor disorders
Terrie VasilopoulosTerrie Vasilopoulos, PhDAssociate ProfessorDepartment of AnesthesiologyHypoxia/oxygen in anesthesia
Heather VincentHeather Vincent, PhD, FACSMVice Chair Of Research, Associate Professor; DirectorDepartment of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; UF Health Sports Performance CenterRehabilitation from SCI
Mary WagnerMary Wagner, MDClinical ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSleep disordered breathing
Charles WoodCharles Wood, PhDProfessor & ChairDepartment of Physiology & Functional GenomicsFetal hypoxia
Samuel WuSamuel Wu, PhDProfessor & Associate ChairDepartment of BiostatisticsAdaptive design of clinical trials;
simultaneous statistical inference; data confidentiality & privacy protection; sports statistics