All Posts by

Katherine Casey-Sawicki

BREATHE at APS Annual Meeting

BREATHE members and trainees were in full force at the first American Physiological Society in-person annual meeting in two years. Beyond presenting nearly 30 posters and 8 oral presentations, BREATHE helped sponsor the Control of Breathing Mixer: Hot Topics in Respiratory Control, organized the Experimental Biology Trainee Highlights Breakfast, and…

17th Annual NMPT Symposium

Hosted by the Department of Physical Therapy in collaboration with the BREATHE and Neuromuscular Plasticity NIH-funded T32 Training Programs, the 17th annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Symposium returned on March 17-18 as an in-person event for the first time in two years. The symposium gives predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees the chance…

Emily Plowman & Eric Jeng Receive R01 from NINR

Dr. Emily Plowman and Dr. Eric Jeng Dr. Emily Plowman, BREATHE Steering Committee Member, and Dr. Eric Jeng, Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery, were awarded a 4-year, $2.5M R01 grant from the National Institute of…

BME Postdoc Awarded BREATHE Fellowship

Congratulations to BME postdoc Eleana Manousiouthakis, PhD, on being awarded BREATHE postdoctoral fellowship funded through the McKnight Brain Institute. The BREATHE Training Program combines basic science and translational research to educate predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees. She is one of nine trainees currently in the program.

Adrienn Varga Wins 2020 Early Investigator Prize

Dr. Adrienn Varga, BREATHE Training Program alumnus (mentor: Erica Levitt, PhD), received the Respiratory 2020 Early Investigator Prize from the Journal of Physiology for her publication “Differential impact of two critical respiratory centres in opioid-induced respiratory depression in awake mice.” This Editor’s…

Emily Plowman Earns National Award for Mentorship

Steering Committee member and BREATHE Training Program Clinical Coordinator Emily Plowman, PhD, was awarded the 2021 Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship from the NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Nominations for the Landis Award were initiated by current and former trainees.

NeuroNines: Parks & Marciante

Thursday, June 8, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring PhD student Brandon Parks (mentor: Aysegul Gunduz) and Dr. Alex Marciante (mentor: Gordon Mitchell). Register via Zoom.

CoBAD: Baker

The Control of Breathing and Airway Defense (CoBAD) International Online Seminar Series featured Tracy Baker, PhD on Friday, June 4th at 3:00 pm ET. Dr. Baker’s research focuses on homeostatic synaptic plasticity of respiratory motor output and recovery of respiratory motor output following spinal injury. Her seminar was…

Erica Dale Appointed to APS Science Policy Committee

Dr. Erica Dale, BREATHE Steering Committee member and Assistant Professor of Physiology & Functional Genomics, was recently appointed to the Science Policy Committee (SPC) for the American Physiological Society (APS). The SPC advocates for sound science policies at the federal…

NeuroNines: Kumar & Sajjadi

Thursday, May 20, at 9 am the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring PhD candidate Ravi Kumar (mentor: Leo Ferrereira) and Dr. Elaheh Sajjadi (mentor: Gordon Mitchell). Register via Zoom.