Spinal Cord Injury Core

The UF BREATHE Center is devoted to developing new therapeutics that preserve or restore breathing and airway defense, walking, hand/arm function and overall health for those living with spinal cord injuries. With acute injuries, we are actively exploring oxygen therapeutics in the intensive care unit to preserve spinal cord tissue and optimize functional outcomes. With chronic injuries, we harness the capacity for spinal cord plasticity by applying therapeutic acute intermittent hypoxia, spinal electrical stimulation, respiratory strength training, and drug treatments. Many investigations use treatment combinations to optimize outcomes.

Researcher/Clinician NameTitleDepartmentSpecialties
Jason Blatt (headshot)Jason Blatt, MD, FAANS, FAAPAssistant ProfessorDepartment of NeurosurgeryPediatric neurosurgery, with a special focus on brain tumors (including complex and re-do surgery), epilepsy, minimally-invasive and transnasal brain surgery, and congenital spinal disorders.
Prodip BoseProdip Bose, MD, PhDAssociate Professor & Interim DirectorDepartment of Neurology; Brain Rehabilitation Research CenterSpasticity after TBI/SCI
BuslKatharina Busl, MD, MSProfessor, Division Chief of Neurocritical Care, & Associate Chair for Clinical OperationsDepartment of NeurologyCare innovations and quality of neurocritical care; treatment of headache in the NeuroICU, neuroprognostication and medical complications of neurocritical disease
David J. ClarkDavid Clark, ScDAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Aging & Geriatric ResearchRehabilitation from stroke and SCI (human movement)
DaleErica Dale, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Physiology & AgingSpinal stimulation induced phrenic motor plasticity; neurostimulation and functional recovery of breathing capacity after spinal injury
Matthew DeckerMatthew Decker, MD, MBA, MPHAssistant ProfessorDepartment of NeurosurgeryTreating spinal pathologies such as traumatic injuries, degenerative spine, spinal tumors, and infectious conditions.
Andrew Dubin (headshot)Andrew Dubin, MDVice Chair of EducationDepartment of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationElectric stimulation; chronic pain
Irene EstoresIrene Estores, MDAssociate Professor & Residency Program DirectorDepartment of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationMedical acupuncture; neuropathic pain
Emily FoxEmily Fox, PT, DPT, PhD, NCSAssociate Professor; Director; Clinical Associate DirectorDepartment of Physical Therapy; Brooks-PHHP Research Collaboration & Brooks Neuromuscular Research; BREATHE CenterPhrenic/diaphragm pacing as rehabilitative tool; therapeutic intermittent hypoxia and spinal injury
DFDavid Fuller, PhDProfessor; Associate Director; Associate Director for ResearchDepartment of Physical Therapy; BREATHE Center; College of Public Health & Health ProfessionsSpinal stimulation and recovery of breathing activity with opiate-induced respiratory depression and spinal injury; Regulation of airway muscles; hyperbaric oxygenation, intermittent hypoxia and respiratory plasticity, Pompe disease
Elisa Gonzalez-RothiElisa Gonzalez-Rothi, DPT, PhDResearch Associate ProfessorDepartment of Physical Therapy Respiratory plasticity induced by neurostimulation and intermittent hypoxia; spinal cord injury; sleep apnea & pathogenic intermittent hypoxia after SCI
Lance Governale (headshot)Lance Governale, MD, FAANS, FAAPChiefDepartment of Pediatric NeurosurgeryPediatric neurosurgery with a speical interest in craniosynostosis, minimally invasive neurosurgery (including endoscopic treatment of hydrocephalus and craniosynostosis), brain/spinal cord tumors, tethered spinal cords, arachnoid cysts, and cavernous malformations.
Daniel Hoh (headshot)Daniel Hoh, MD, MBAProfessorDepartment of NeurosurgeryApplying innovative surgical techniques and novel technologies for the treatment of spinal degeneration, trauma, deformity, tumors and rheumatologic and infectious disorders.
Qing Lu (headshot)Qing Lu, PhDProfessorDepartment of BiostatisticsStatistical genetics and statistical/machine learning, with a special interest in developing statistical/machine learning methods (e.g., tree and deep learning) for high-dimensional data analyses (e.g., genetic data analysis).
Carolina MacielCarolina Maciel, MD, MSCRAssociate Professor; Director of ResearchDepartment of Neurology; NCCCognitive function after cardiac arrest/recovery; neurocritical care, TBI
Alex MarcianteAlex Marciante, PhDResearch Assistant ScientistDepartment of Physical TherapyHow the APOE4 gene interacts with other triggers of neuroinflammation to undermine respiratory plasticity in a time-of-day-dependent manner.
Shawn McGargillShawn McGargill, MDClinical Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationInterventional spine care; orthopaedics and rehabilitation; physical medicine and rehabilitation
Gordon MitchellGordon Mitchell, PhDPreeminence Professor; Director; Deputy DirectorDepartment of Physical Therapy; BREATHE Center; McKnight Brain InstituteIntermittent hypoxia induced respiratory plasticity, therapeutic intermittent hypoxia in spinal injury and ALS
Gregory Murad (headshot)Gregory Murad, MD, FAANSProfessorDeparment of NeurosurgeryApplying innovative surgical techniques and novel technologies for the treatment of spinal degenerative, trauma, deformity, tumor, rheumatologic and infectious disorders, as well as novel treatments and management strategies for severe traumatic brain Injury.
Maria NikodemovaMaria Nikodemova, MS, PhDResearch Associate ScientistDepartment of Physical Therapymicroglial plasticity in healthy CNS and during neurodegeneration; APOE4 phenotype, sleep apnea; the role of microglia and neuroinflammation in regulating respiratory motor plasticity during hypoxia and after spinal cord injury
Dana OtzelDana Otzel, PhD, ATC, LATHealth Science SpecialistMalcolm Randall VA Medical CenterHuman and rodent studies of muscle/bone rehabilitation after SCI
Karim OweissKarim Oweiss, PhDProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringNeuroengineering, cortical compensation for SCI; neural interface design to restore, augment or repair lost sensorimotor function
Michael PizziMichael Pizzi, DO, PhD, FCCMAssociate ProfessorDepartments of Neurology & NeurosurgeryPreserving the blood-brain barrier after acute brain injury; characterizing the role of the endothelial glycocalyx in regulating cerebral blood flow; investigating the effects of ketone esters on cerebral blood flow; developing models to measure brain compliance
Sabhya RanaSabhya Rana, PhDResearch Assistant ScientistDepartment of Physical TherapyNon-invasive spinal stimulation strategies to enhance respiratory function following spinal cord injury.
Chris RobinsonChristopher Robinson, DO, MSAssociate Professor; Director; Program DirectorDepartment of Neurology; Division Of Neurocritical Care; NCCBrain death, meningitis, traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and COVID-19 associated neurological complications
Christine SchmidtChristine Schmidt, PhDDistinguished Professor & ChairDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringNeuroregeneration after peripheral or spinal cord injury
Yasin SevenYasin B. Seven, MS, PhDAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Physiological SciencesNeuroprotection in spinal cord injury and neurodegenerative diseases, nanoparticle-based targeted drug delivery
Guogen Shan (headshot)Guogen Shan, PhDProfessorDepartment of BiostatisticsClinical trial design & analysis.
Ramon SunRamon Sun, PhDAssociate Professor; DirectorDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Center for Spatial Biomolecule ResearchCellular metabolism, signaling, and physiology; disease etiology of neurological disorders
Floyd ThompsonFloyd Thompson, PhDProfessor EmeritusDepartment of NeuroscienceSpasticity after TBI/SCI
Heather VincentHeather Vincent, PhD, FACSMAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Orthopaedics & RehabilitationRehabilitation from SCI
Alicia VoseAlicia Vose, PhD, CCC-SLPAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Neurology (UF Health -Jacksonville)Acute intermittent hypoxia and respiratory strength training to enhance breathing and swallowing in people with chronic spinal cord injury; effects of diaphragm stimulation on respiratory neural drive and function
Samuel Wu (headshot)Samuel Wu, PhD, MSProfessor & Associate ChairDepartment of BiostatisticsAdaptive design of clinical trials, simultaneous statistical inference, and data privacy technologies.