Posts tagged as

David Berlowitz

Social & Science in JAX: Sept. 29 with Dr. David Berlowitz

Join the BREATHE Center and the UF College of Medicine-Jacksonville for our upcoming Social & Science on Friday, September 29 (4:30-7pm). This special session will be hosted in the Swisher Conference Room at UF Health-Jacksonville (580 West 8th Street, Tower I, 10th floor, Jacksonville, FL 32209)! Dr. David Berlowitz, Professor…

Social & Science Returns Sept. 9 with Dr. David Berlowitz

Social & Science is back! Join us on Friday, September 9th from 5-7pm at Blue Gill (1310 SW 13th St)! Our first visiting speaker will be Dr. David Berlowitz from the University of Melbourne. He will present: “Lung volume recruitment in neuromuscular disease: Take a deep breath and…” Come socialize…