Posts tagged as

Erica Dale

NeuroNines: Mickle & Cornman

Thursday, June 27, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted NeuroNines featuring BREATHE T32 PhD candidate Alyssa Mickle (mentor: Erica Dale) and doctoral student Jessica Cornman (mentor: Barbara Smith).

Alyssa Mickle & Anna Fusco Awarded Brian W. Robinson Endowment Grant

BREATHE T32 predoc, Alyssa Mickle, and MD-PhD student in Dr. David Fuller’s lab, Anna Fusco, have been recognized as recipients for this year’s Brian W. Robinson Endowment Grant for the Neurosciences. This distinguished grant aims to foster neuroscience research aong students enrolled in PhD, MD (Resident), or…

Alyssa Mickle Leads Publication in Journal of Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology

BREATHE T32 predoc, Alyssa Mickle, lead a recent publication in the Journal of Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology along with BREATHE members, Dr. Erica Dale, Dr. David Baekey, and Jesús Peñaloza-Aponte. The Dale Lab has shown that closed-loop epidural stimulation (CL-ES) elicits respiratory plasticity in the form of…

Alyssa Mickle Wins Trainee Professional Development Award from Society for Neuroscience

BREATHE T32 trainee, Alyssa Mickle, received the Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience for her abstract titled “Distribution of cervical spinal c-Fos expression after epidural stimulation in rats with cervical spinal cord injury.” This award will help fund her travel to the Society for Neuroscience’s…

NeuroNines: Mickle & Barrutia

Thursday, July 6, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted a NeuroNines session featuring doctoral students Alyssa Mickle (mentor: Erica Dale) & Walter Sebastian Barrutia (mentor: Daniel Ferris).

BREATHE at APS Summit 2023

BREATHE members and trainees were in full force at the American Physiological Society Summit in Long Beach, CA. Beyond presenting nearly 30 posters and 10 oral presentations, BREATHE helped sponsor the Control of Breathing Mixer: Hot Topics in Respiratory Control, organized the Marilyn Menker Trainee Highlights Breakfast, and rocked the…

BREATHE at Oxford Conference 2022

BREATHE members were in full force at the Oxford Conference on the Control of Breathing from October 17-21, 2022. This year’s conference was held in beautiful Odawara, Japan and featured some of the world’s top respiratory scientists. Among the superstar lineup, BREATHE members from 4 different UF colleges presented their…