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Gerard Robinson

Congratulations on Graduating, Dr. Gerard Robinson!

Gerard Robinson, a former BREATHE T32 Training Program trainee, recently graduated with his PhD in Exercise Physiology. He is currently a postdoc in Clanton Lab, where his research explores the role of skeletal muscle in the innate response to infection,…

NeuroNines: Doerr & Robinson

Thursday, August 5, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring doctoral student Vivian Doerr (mentor: Ashley Smuder) and doctoral student Gerard Robinson (mentor: Thomas Clanton). Register via Zoom.

BREATHE Trainer & Trainee Link Muscles to Immune Response

Dr. Thomas Clanton (left) and Gerard Robinson (right) BREATHE Trainer, Dr. Thomas Clanton, and his predoctoral T32-funded BREATHE trainee, Gerard Robinson, recently demonstrated that skeletal muscles play a critical role in defense against septic infection. The study was supported by…