Posts tagged as

Gordon Mitchell

NeuroNines: Mariani & Burrowes

Thursday, June 29, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted a NeuroNines session featuring doctoral students Vinicius Mariani (mentor: Leonardo Ferreira) & Kayla Burrowes (mentor: Gordon Mitchell).

BREATHE Director, Gordon Mitchell, Named New MBI Deputy Director

BREATHE Center Director, Dr. Gordon Mitchell, has been named deputy director of the McKnight Brain Institute. Mitchell joins a leadership team of MBI Director Dr. Jennifer Bizon; fellow Deputy Directors Drs. Steven DeKosky, and Jada Lewis; and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Kevin McNaught, in guiding the MBI’s 230-member neuroscience…

BREATHE at APS Summit 2023

BREATHE members and trainees were in full force at the American Physiological Society Summit in Long Beach, CA. Beyond presenting nearly 30 posters and 10 oral presentations, BREATHE helped sponsor the Control of Breathing Mixer: Hot Topics in Respiratory Control, organized the Marilyn Menker Trainee Highlights Breakfast, and rocked the…

Yasin Seven Joins Department of Physiological Sciences as Assistant Professor

Dr. Yasin Seven, former Mitchell Lab member and BREATHE Center trainee, has recently joined the Department of Physiological Sciences as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Dr. Seven has been developing cell-specific nanoparticle-based therapies to target respiratory centers in the brain, with the aim of improving respiratory function via neuroprotection and neuroplasticity.

18th Annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium

Hosted by the Department of Physical Therapy in collaboration with the BREATHE and Neuromuscular Plasticity NIH-funded T32 Training Programs, the 18th annual Neuromuscular Plasticity Training Symposium was held on March 23-24. The symposium gives predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees the chance to highlight their cutting-edge research through data blitz and poster…

Aline Oliveira Awarded K99/R00 to Investigate New Treatments for Pulmonary Hypertension

BREATHE trainee Dr. Aline Oliveira was recently awarded a K99/R00 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to study “Neuroimmune axis contribution to the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension.” The K99/R00 program enables a mentored postdoctoral researcher to more rapidly transition into a stable independent research position.

Michela Mir Wins Poster Award at DRS 2023

BREATHE T32 postdoc, Dr. Michela Mir, recently attended the annual meeting for the Dysphagia Research Society in San Francisco, California. She shared work from her dissertation and won 1st Place Poster Award for her presentation entitled, “Cough Correlates of Unsafe Swallowing in Atypical Parkinsonism”. The poster highlighted distinct…

BREATHE & NMPT T32 Trainee Meet-Up

The BREATHE and NMPT T32 training programs, directed by Drs. Gordon Mitchell and David Fuller, decided to join forces for a lunch at the newly renovated Swamp Restaurant. Trainees got a chance to meet and catch up with peers, as well as discuss their future career…