NeuroNines: Mariani & Burrowes
Thursday, June 29, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted a NeuroNines session featuring doctoral students Vinicius Mariani (mentor: Leonardo Ferreira) & Kayla Burrowes (mentor: Gordon Mitchell).
Thursday, June 29, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs hosted a NeuroNines session featuring doctoral students Vinicius Mariani (mentor: Leonardo Ferreira) & Kayla Burrowes (mentor: Gordon Mitchell).
BREATHE Steering Committee member, Dr. Leo Ferreira, was recently awarded a 2-year, $457k R21 grant from the National Institute on Aging to study “Systemic antioxidant treatment for cardiomyopathy, muscle weakness, and exercise intolerance in postmenopausal HFpEF.” This project will test whether an over-the-counter dietary supplement with antioxidant properties…
Trainees, faculty, and staff from the NIH-funded BREATHE T32 Training Program met to enjoy a well-caffeinated breakfast and talk science for our fall progress report meeting. Everyone had an opportunity to showcase their current research and ask questions of program administrators. Congratulations to all of these young scientists who remain…
Since its inception in April 2017, the BREATHE T32 Training Program has made great strides! This combined pre- and postdoctoral training program is focused on the respiratory neuromuscular system, emphasizing discovery of new knowledge and its translation to severe clinical disorders that compromise breathing capacity, stability and airway…
Thursday, July 13, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring PhD student Vinicius Mariani (mentor: Leonardo Ferreira) and PhD candidate Chandler Callaway (mentor: Andrew Judge). Register via Zoom.
Thursday, May 20, at 9 am the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring PhD candidate Ravi Kumar (mentor: Leo Ferrereira) and Dr. Elaheh Sajjadi (mentor: Gordon Mitchell). Register via Zoom.
Dr. Leonardo Ferreira, BREATHE Steering Committee member and Training Program Curriculum Coordinator, was recently featured in the Journal of Physiology’s “Physiology Shorts” series for his Editor’s Choice publication, “Dietary nitrate supplementation increases diaphragm peak power in old mice mice.” Learn more about this study and just…