BREATHE Center Retreat
The UF BREATHE Center Retreat is usually held at the beginning of the calendar year and provides trainees the opportunity to socialize with faculty and invited speakers. The event features a data blitz session from PIs, a trainee poster session, and invited speakers.

Social & Science
This seminar series, hosted by the UF BREATHE Center, features a 30-minute social followed by a 1-hour scientific presentation and discussion. Presentations are given by internal PIs, lab groups, and external visitors. This series provides a vast range of topics in both clinical and basic science to enhance the translational aspect of our training program. Trainees will also have the opportunity to meet with speakers in small groups.

Neuromuscular Plasticity Nines
This weekly seminar series is held in the summer months and consists entirely of student presentations. Each week, two PhD students provide a 25-minute scientific presentation on their research topic, followed by a brief question and answer period.

Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium
The Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium is held in March of each year. Three internationally renowned experts in the field of neuromuscular plasticity and rehabilitation are invited to present a platform presentation, meet with T32 program trainees and faculty mentors, and provide feedback on the progress of the T32 program.

Brown Bag Monthly Career Development Forum
This forum facilitated by Dr. Andrew Judge focuses on professional development and academic career guidance. Trainees have the opportunity to discuss various career-focused topics including selecting postdoctoral training opportunities, interview preparation, manuscript writing, responsible conduct of research, and establishing and managing a laboratory. Trainees also have the opportunity to meet with invited speakers and special guests.

Control of Breathing & Airway Defense (CoBAD) Online Seminar Series
The UF BREATHE Center is proud to sponsor the CoBAD Seminar Series. Inaugurated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020, this series invites speakers to cover key elements of CoB and airway defense (e.g., rhythm generation, chemoreception, neuromodulation, plasticity, opioid depression, inflammation, sleep apnea, dysphagia, and breathing with neuromuscular disease). Our Programming Committee selects a variety of speakers to represent the breadth and depth of our field.