Ian Malone, PhD

Year I became a Gator: 2012

Ian Malone, BS

Department: COM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mentor: Kevin Otto, PhD & Erica Dale, PhD

Research focus: My research is focused on developing neuroprostheses to improve respiratory function following cervical spinal cord injury. I am currently investigating the electrical and physiological mechanisms of electrical epidural stimulation within the context of upper cervical spinal cord injury and the neural control of breathing.

Why I chose BREATHE at the University of Florida: As my interests are in improving respiratory outcomes following spinal cord injury, BREATHE at the University of Florida offered an amazing opportunity to collaborate with a large group of researchers working toward similar goals. I was particularly interested in becoming a part of BREATHE to learn from the many different seminars, discussions, and training opportunities and work alongside the talented people that comprise the group.

What I do for fun: I really enjoy spending time outside with my dogs, playing the drums, working out, and losing to people in Brazilian jiu jitsu.