BREATHE Training Cross-training in BReathing REsearch And THErapeutics

In the BREATHE cross-training model, clinical researchers establish strong basic research foundations, and basic scientists are exposed to clinical experiences.

what is breathe?

Program Requirements

The BREATHE Training Program is designed to allow young scientists to engage in meaningful translational research partnerships and to develop successful careers in respiratory research.

NMPT Symposium


Leadership Team

The BREATHE Training Program is led by internationally renowned breathing researcher Dr. Gordon Mitchell, curriculum coordinator Dr. Leah Reznikov, and clinical practicum coordinator Dr. Karen Hegland.


BREATHE Trainers

With an emphasis on cross-training, each trainee is guided by a primary and secondary mentor. Our trainers are preeminent researchers and clinicians committed to educating the next generation of breathing scholars.

BREATHE Retreat 2022

BREATHE Trainees

Our predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees hail from departments ranging from Engineering to Physical Therapy to Pharmacology, but they are all connected by their commitment to respiratory research.



BREATHE at APS Summit 2024

BREATHE members and trainees were in full force at the American Physiological Society Summit in Long Beach, CA. Beyond presenting 20 posters and 6…

Kayla Burrowes

Apply to become a BREATHE trainee

Contact the BREATHE administrative team to learn more.