Posts tagged as

Brooks Rehabilitation

BREATHE Featured in UF PHHP Impact Magazine

What’s your first thought when you think of the structures involved in breathing? For many people, the answer is the lungs. Gordon Mitchell, PhD, a PHHP professor of physical therapy and director of the UF Breathing Research and Therapeutics Center, or BREATHE, has a different answer.

SCI Awareness Month Demo and Social & Science at Brooks Rehab (Sept. 19, 3-7pm)

September is SCI Awareness Month! Join the BREATHE Center, Brooks Rehabilitation Clinical Research Center, and the SCI Health Research Partnership (SHARP) to celebrate and connect over SCI research with demos, dialogue, and delicious food! This co-hosted event will bring together trainees, clinicians, and community members across Brooks Rehabilitation and…

NeuroNines: Benevides & Vose

Thursday, July 7, at 9 am, the NMPT and BREATHE Training Programs will host a NeuroNines session featuring PhD student Ethan Benevides (mentor: David Fuller) and Postdoctoral fellow Alicia Vose (mentors: Gordon Mitchell & Emily Fox). Join us live in the Communicore Building (C1-007) or via Zoom:

Research Connection Event: Strategies to Augment Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Dr. Emily Fox, BREATHE Steering Committee member and Director of Neuromuscular Research at Brooks Rehabilitation, presented “Strategies to Augment Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Promoting Breathing and Walking Recovery” on Tuesday, April 27 at 7 pm EST. This presentation was part of the Brooks/UF-PHHP Collaboration Research Connection Series.